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Emerging AI leader awarded prestigious APRS research prize

Emerging AI leader awarded prestigious APRS research prize

An IISRI early career researcher has won the prestigious 2024 Australian Pattern Recognition Society Early Career Award.

Dr Moloud Abdar, who specialises in computer science with a focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning, received the accolade in Perth at the 25th International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA 2024).

The prestigious award “honours outstanding Australian early-career researchers who have demonstrated significant contributions to pattern recognition and related fields within artificial intelligence” and fosters “the next generation of leaders in these dynamic disciplines.”

“It was a truly memorable experience, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be recognised in this way,” Dr Abdar said about the award.

“I want to thank Professor Doug Creighton and Associate Professor Abbas Khosravi for their invaluable support and guidance—it has been instrumental on this journey.
“And I look forward to continuing our work together and striving for even better-quality research.”

Dr. Abdar’s work has been recognised before. His paper, “A Review on Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges,” published in Information Fusion, won the journal’s 2022 Best Survey Award. With an updated impact factor of 14.8, the paper has been one of the journal’s most cited and most downloaded articles since 2020, as extracted from Scopus.


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